The art and science of analyzing and improving your dewatering, classification or thickening process is deeply rooted in PHOENIX’s DNA. We are a dewatering, thickening and classification process technology provider for minerals mining, construction aggregate, industrial waste processing and municipal wastewater treatment. Whether it's fine particle wet classification and separation, slurry and sludge thickening and dewatering, chemical preparation and delivery systems, effluent water treatment or commercial water recycling, PHOENIX has enhanced the process flow and efficiency of processing plants around the globe since 1984.
Belt Filter Press dewaters pre-thickened slurry to solid phase handleable filter cake.
Filter Presses dewater concentrate and tailings slurries to high solids filter cake.
Dewatering Bucket Wheels capture, de-slime and dewater sand, frac sand, waste fines, and specialty sand from dredging and sand processing operations.
High-Rate Thickeners clarify and recycle plant wash water
while thickening solids to a concentrated underflow slurry.
Hindered Settling Classifiers remove deleterious solids
and classify sand and frac sand by particle size or density.
Why lose it when you can reuse it?
Greywater, blackwater, rainwater, and stormwater
commercial water recycling technology and water reuse.
Dewatering, thickening, liquid-solids separation, fines recovery, classification, water clarification and reuse technologies.
Process Technologies
With over 30 years experience providing turnkey process solutions to countless industries, we understand plant processes must operate with efficiency, reliability and safety. Whether it's mineral tailings dewatering in mining processes, classification of sand in construction aggregate processing, thickening waste from pulp and paper plants or slurry in wastewater treatment plants, PHOENIX has always been all about the process.

Dewater pre-thickened slurry to solid phase handleable filter cake.
Dewater concentrate and tailings slurries to high solids filter cake.
Capture, de-slime and dewater aggregates, sand, frac sand, gravel, and waste fines from dredging and sand processing operations.
Remove dirt, loam, clay contaminants and other deleterious materials from aggregate feedstock.
Clarify and recycle plant wash water while thickening solids to a concentrated underflow slurry.